environmental issues, for example, global warming, and degradation of natural resources, more severe nature disasters, social disparities, and corruption. Any one of these issues could bring about damage to
environmental issues, for example, global warming, and degradation of natural resources, more severe nature disasters, social disparities, and corruption. Any one of these issues could bring about damage to
of the financial statements. In addition, TIES neither compared the purchase and sale prices of the related party transactions to market prices, nor explained whether or not the price differences were
neither compared the purchase and sale prices of the related party transactions to market prices, nor explained whether or not the price differences were reasonable.Later, TIES requested for postponement of
study the information on differences in governing laws and rights along with country risk and foreign exchange risk.
prices of the related party transactions to market prices, nor explained whether or not the price differences were reasonable. The SEC thus instructed TIES to rectify the financial statements according to
%20Investor%20Responsibilities_2013.pdf matter of a few years but whole generations. Such generational differences create real challenges for the governing bodies charged with acting in the interests of all
reduces socio-economic disparities and promote sustainable financial well-being. We are confident that the goal of balancing between market regulation and development will significantly contribute to the
meeting concluded that SEC would revise the supervision regulations which are problematic or unnecessary (regulatory guillotine) and consideration would be given to the differences in business models
transactions to market prices, nor explained whether or not the price differences were reasonable. Later, TIES requested for postponement of submitting the rectified and audited 2014 financial statements, due on