Type of securities : Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | Effective Date : 15/02/2023 | Close Selling Date : 20/03/2023
Type of securities : Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | Effective Date : 31/07/2020 | Close Selling Date : 11/08/2020
At present, money market funds are used by investors as a tool to manage liquidity and a place to park money for a short time, besides keeping it in banking accounts. As of February 2018, the size of money market funds was 240 billion baht, or 3% of savings deposit. In the future the Deposit Protection Agency would reduce the maximum insured amount of bank deposit to only 1 million baht. Hence, money market funds are likely to grow in size and emerge as an alternative for people looking for the...
At present, money market funds are used by investors as a tool to manage liquidity and a place to park money for a short time, besides keeping it in banking accounts. As of February 2018, the size of money market funds was 240 billion baht, or 3% of savings deposit. In the future the Deposit Protection Agency would reduce the maximum insured amount of bank deposit to only 1 million baht. Hence, money market funds are likely to grow in size and emerge as an alternative for people looking for the...
ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : ทรัสต์เพื่อการลงทุนในอสังหาริมทรัพย์ (REIT) | วันที่มีผลใช้บังคับ : 15/02/2566 | วันที่ปิดการขาย : 20/03/2566
ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : ทรัสต์เพื่อการลงทุนในอสังหาริมทรัพย์ (REIT) | วันที่มีผลใช้บังคับ : 31/07/2563 | วันที่ปิดการขาย : 11/08/2563
ชื่อผู้ได้มา/จำหน่าย :?TUNTEX DISTINCT CORPORATION | ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้น | วันที่มีหน้าที่ : 19/11/2546
paragraph 1 of the SEA. As the accused committed the several distinct and different offences, the Court inflicted the penalty prescribed for each offence as follows: (1) For a count of failure to submit the
trades of 71 stocks actively traded on the SET from March 2000 to June 2002. During this time, the market experienced three distinct conditions: bullish, bearish, and neutral. The study concludes that the