SEC Deputy Secretary-General Sirivipa Supantanet stated that “this is the first study of audit adjustments in Thailand. This study presents errors in accounting transactions found by auditors which must be corrected, and the root cause analysis for such errors. The study also proposes recommendations on important factors which play an important role in the accurate preparation of financial statements from the origin, in order to enhance the quality of financial reporting. The study was co...
objective and providing up-to-date information sufficient for risk analysis. The reporting requirements on those unused for supervising purpose will be eliminated while frequency of report submission will be
and major shareholder of WHA, disseminate news about the negotiation of purchase deal with other listed company by giving interview to The Press which may cause any other person to understand that the
shareholders? rights and investors? decision making. THL must submit the report of the special audit to the SEC within December 9, 2011 and disseminate it to the public via the Stock Exchange of Thailand
introduced and apply to the qualified DW issuers. In addition, the redundant information disclosed and signing requirement in the filing will be eliminated. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said
public. In addition, as the disadvantage of double taxation has been eliminated, PE trust will be more advantageous than PE company with more flexibility in repayment of capital. The offering of PE trust
led revenues from all investments (with fair value adjusted) to THB 36.58 million, an increase of THB 7.95 million from last year quarter’s. Please be informed and kindly disseminate this information to
) crisis which resulted in the SET index dropped 28.72% since the end of 2019. Thus, it caused a net profit to drop 24.78% over the same period last year. Please be informed and kindly disseminate this
markets.Thus, SEC intends to hear comments at a broader level to ensure the regulatory revision is the most appropriate and efficient and also disseminate the public hearing document at
intends to hear comments at a broader level to ensure the regulatory revision is the most appropriate and efficient and also disseminate the public hearing document at SEC website: