investment. The conducts of all three contravened rules and regulations set forth in the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. In particular, both {D} and {A} failed to properly discharge
Triwilaskull 5 Mr. Thiraphong Khumrungrit 6 Miss. Sureerat Leeswadtrakul 4. The general characteristics. The Company will invest in IGEN-ENERGY, and will acquire 409,998 ordinary shares of IGEN- ENERGY, or 99.99
expects to receive approvals from the BOT and OJK and will be able to acquire the Shares in Permata from Standard Chartered and Astra within the third quarter of 2020. The purchase price therefore shall be
for the offer to be preceded. 2. If the proceeds are being used directly or indirectly by the issuer to acquire assets, other than in the ordinary course of business, describe these assets and their
Esthetics under Trademark “Wuttisak” Attn. to: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Refer to: Letter of FVC Ref. No. SET-2560-025 “Transaction to Acquire Franchise Wuttisak 25 Branches from Total 113
รายงานการประชุมคณะกรรมการตรวจสอบ ครั้งที่ 4/2548 Ref.: SET-2018-002 February 9, 2018 Subject: Signing on the Franchise Agreement; and the Agreement to Acquire and Dispose Assets of “Wuttisak Clinic
relevant to its core or non-core businesses upon conditions that they have an apparent outsourcing policy, measures, criteria, and service provider control system. Outsourcing however does not discharge
26th February 2020 Subject: Transaction to acquire land from a related party. To: President The stock Exchange of Thailand According to the resolution of Board of Directors meeting of S.Kijchai
รายงานการประชุมคณะกรรมการตรวจสอบ ครั้งที่ 4/2548 Ref.: SET-2018-003 February 14, 2018 Subject: Signing on the Franchise Agreement; and the Agreement to Acquire and Dispose Assets of “Wuttisak Clinic