COVID-19 situation but also to build a robust foundation for generating growth and prosperity in the long run. _______________________
SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said, “previously the comprehensive provision of counselling and advisory service on investment would be limited to private wealth only while the general public would face investment difficulties as they received a lot of information but could not analyze and compare a variety of investment products available or were advised to purchase individual products, especially those products for which the investment consultants receive high sales commissions or w...
build immunity together, as well as experience the newest consulting service model under the idea of “Check Your Immunity and Build Confidence.” At the booth, the participants can try their hands at the
Bangkok, 19 September 2018 ? The SEC teamed up with the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities Investors Association (Singapore) to organize an international seminar on ?Building Trust in a Transforming Economy,? attracting world-famous speakers to share their experience on corporate culture development for sustainable business as a means to handle new challenge and take care of shareholders and related stakeholders in all aspects.The SEC, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities...
build digital transformation towards digital exchange, for the ability to efficiently provide services to members, issuers, and investors .”ASCO Director Mr. Pichet Sithi-Amnuai said “transactions of
Digital Asset Businesses B.E. 2561 (2018) was also held on the second day of the workshop, with the objective to provide knowledge and understanding, as well as build a network of procedures regarding the
useful material - use and dispose properly, 3. Cooperation – build an ecosystem through collaboration with the public and private sectors. Success begins at home. We believe that the new norm is
Central Institute of Forensic Science is a new dimension that will increase the chances of success in law enforcement and the deterrence of offenses in the capital market.”Police Lieutenant Colonel
Strategy "This collaboration between SEC and the Department of Industrial Promotion is considered a new dimension that will help the SEC understand the real needs, problems and obstacles. And the SEC will
will lead to multiple dimension impact which is inevitable to participants in capital market businesses. All stakeholders in capital market must join forces to raise awareness among Thai business