: (1) digitized securities (ได้แก่ digitized debenture, digitized equity-linked note และ digitized fund) ถือเป็น “หลักทรัพย์” ภายใต้ พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์ฯ หรือ &ldquo
in Singapore-based ICHX Tech Pte. Ltd. (ICHX), an operator of a fully integrated platform offering end-to-end digitized securities service under the name iSTOX (www.istox.com). The iSTOX platform will
ICHX Tech Pte. Ltd. (ICHX), an operator of a fully integrated platform offering end-to-end digitized securities service under the name iSTOX (www.istox.com). The iSTOX platform will enable issuance and
, value-uplifting proposition with 5G, FMC, and privilege ecosystems, as well as delivering superior digitized service quality to the customers. • Broadband to benefit from TTTBB acquisition and continue
and coverage, personalized segmented offerings, value-uplifting proposition with 5G, FMC, and privilege ecosystems, as well as delivering superior digitized service quality to the customers. • Broadband
proposition with 5G, FMC, and privilege ecosystems, as well as delivering superior digitized service quality to the customers. • Broadband to benefit from TTTBB acquisition and continue the growth momentum with
proposition with 5G, FMC, and privilege ecosystems, as well as delivering superior digitized service quality to the customers. • Broadband to benefit from TTTBB acquisition and continue the growth momentum with
in network quality and coverage, personalized segmented offerings, value-uplifting proposition with 5G, FMC, and privilege ecosystems, as well as delivering superior digitized service quality to the
BCP’s loyalty card, “Bangchak Green Miles” that allows members to collect points from purchase of any product. Developments were also made to the member card system in the form of a Digitized Loyalty
ต่ำงๆ เช่น บตัรสมำชกิรูปแบบใหม่ “บำงจำกกรนี ไมล”์ ทีส่ำมำรถสะสมคะแนนทุกผลติภณัฑ์น ้ำมนั พรอ้มทัง้กำรพฒันำระบบบตัรสมำชกิในรูปแบบ Digitized Loyalty Program ควบคู่ไปกบั Bangchak Mobile Application อกีทัง้