At the meeting on 10 March 2020, the cabinet approved a raft of measures, including allowing investors to receive an additional tax privilege for purchasing investment units in the Super Savings Fund (SSF) which has the policy on investing in listed securities on the local exchanges, called “SSF listed securities”, under the following conditions:(1) Not less than 65% of net asset values are invested in listed securities on the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Market for Alternative Inv...
to the banking sector, local commercial banks, some of which are listed companies, are under close supervision of the Bank of Thailand. Investors should adopt a cautious stance but do not have to worry
: As much information as provided by the underlying funds within 15 days after such information has been disclosed by the underlying funds.For mutual funds under Item 1, investment data for the debut
and other entities, about the possibility for a capital increase.? Thirachai added that: ?Margin loan clients have nothing to worry about because there will be no forced selling for immediate debt
Bangkok, November 19, 2012 ? The SEC Mobile App ?start-to-invest? is now available for Android users after its debut on iPhone and iPad hit almost 50,000 downloads. Meanwhile, the SEC welcomes
. Meanwhile, the private sector remained slow down the investment because there was worry about political stability after the election. Household sector paid more attention on spending because there were still
declined 615,200. The data consumption continued to accelerate with blended VOU rising to 4GB/data sub/month driven by 4G. HD video streaming has become popular while data plans were designed to be worry
, driven by growing popularity of video streaming, worry-free data packages, and increasing 4G device penetration (42%). As a result, non-voice revenue expanded to 60% of service revenue (excluding IC
service, emphasizing on convenience, simplicity, and worry-free to use mobile data. Competition in fixed broadband has been heightened by the incumbents. Although an average industry ARPU remained in a
, the Company has supported the Ministry of Energy’s promotion of environmentally friendly fuel to reduce inherent air pollution, which led way to the debut of the B20 diesel products in BCP service