(1) losses of some fixed assets, and (2) expenses not relating to its business with no supportive documents. Since the company is still in the process of suing those former directors to remedy damages
(1) losses of some fixed assets, and (2) expenses not relating to its business with no supportive documents. Since the company is still in the process of suing those former directors to remedy damages
: ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy.’ The said forum is one of the largest annual meetings of the United Nations since more than 2,000 participants from all relevant sectors meet to discuss directions and
and Remedy’, among Thai listed companies. She said that SEC was very pleased to be involved in driving this issue under the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, which was approved by
(Normal entry) was Baht 365.04 million which decreased 6.48% comparing to the year 2017 of Baht 390.34 million. Sales and administrative expenses (Special entry) was Baht 86.29 million result from remedy
from Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions Baht 190.36 million, Current portion of long-term borrowings amount Baht 94.96 million which is spent for WTGs foundation remedy work
remedy the emergency situation related to security; re: to prohibit the people gathering, carrying out activity and conspiracy concerning the risk to spread the disease in the country except the family
, obtained the remedy for the damage in this case.----------* Section 91(2) of the Penal Code prescribes that if it appears that any offender has committed the several distinct and different offences, the
SEC Office within a reasonable period and the report covers some or all of the information including characteristics of report and reason thereof; (f) remedy of damage or any step taken by the wrongdoer
การอบรม แนวทางการกรอกข้อมูลด้านสิทธิมนุษยชน แบบ 56-1 One Report ส ำนักงำนคณะกรรมกำรก ำกับหลกัทรัพย์และตลำดหลักทรัพย์ ร่วมกับ คณะนิติศำสตร์ จุฬำลงกรณม์หำวิทยำลัย Policy & Remedy การก าหนดนโยบาย เป้า