The afore-mentioned Capital Market Development Plan, acknowledged by the Cabinet on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, consists of the following five strategic directions for continued growth of the capital market which is envisioned to become: Strategic Direction 1 Capital market for competitiveness (Competitiveness), in which potentiality and competitiveness of all sectors in the capital market and economic system will be reinforced. Strategic Direction 2 Capital market accessible to all (Accessibili...
Microsoft Word - MDA_2017Q2_TH_2003-edit ที่ CK-17-0000-AFD(AC)-L-0048 วันที่ 15 สิงหาคม 2560 เรื่อง คําชี้แจงผลการดาํเนินงานและฐานะทางการเงิน สําหรับงวดหกเดือนสิ้นสดุวันที่ 30 มิถุนายน 2560 เรียน
Microsoft Word - 2020.07.15_3M 2020_MACO_MDA_EN_Final - Auditor edit MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS FOR THE 3-MONTH ENDED MARCH 2020 (3M 2020) 15 JUL 2020 MASTER AD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 1
Microsoft Word - draft J _ IR 60 ชี้แจงผลการดำเนินงาน ปี 2560_ENG edit JAS Asset Management Discussion and Analysis for FS2017 Page1/4 - Translation - Ref. J61/001 22 February 2018 Subject
Microsoft Word - 62-10_Eng_Explanation of the business profits for the quarter 1-2019(edit).doc FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT 84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE
calling for policy action on climate change. Provide analysis to highlight the essential role of public policy in achieving emissions reduction in specific sectors, communities, and across the economy
Recognising the crucial role sustainable economic growth plays in bringing about better living standards and inclusive economic development for all, in 2015 Thailand has adopted the United Nations