, methods used must be done with speed, transparency, low costs with participation of all related parties.
SEC requests that business operators implement the BCP that must cover key work systems, including the trading system, the risk control system in compliance with the Net Capital Rules and the investment management system. This includes providing a communication channel that facilitates notifying and clarifying information to clients in case of major changes to service provision.“After continuous monitoring and coordinating with the business operators, we have found that they have implemen...
treatments The cost of medical treatments for the fiscal year 2018 and 2019 were in amounts of Baht 441.0 millions and Baht 614.22 million, respectively, which increased by 39.3%. Costs of medical treatments
treatments The Cost of medical treatments for the 3rd quarter of Year 2018 and 2019 were in amounts of Baht 108.25 millions and Baht 158.83 million, respectively, which increased by 46.7% . Costs of medical
assumed that the Company could handle more effective at controlling employee’s remuneration, traveling expenses, and infrastructure expenses. Financing Costs The financing costs of financial institutions
its businesses except for some properties in UK that are still in operation in accordance with the government’s request to facilitate the government officers who are in duty to handle Covid-19 pandemic
website: www.globalinvestments.net and www.Qropdirect.com to lure investing public that it had a team of experienced and expert investment consultants to handle suitable portfolios for investors through
handle suitable portfolios for investors through different company names such as Global Investments Far East Limited and Global Investments International Limited. The aforesaid person jointly operated
Pursuant to the existing regulations on standard conduct of business, a securities and derivatives business operator intending to have a third party handle its partial business functions may do so in
facilitate the government officers who are in duty to handle COVID-19 pandemic. During the temporarily suspension, the Company need to adjust compensation scheme to the employees to enable the Company to