accordingly. 2. The relationship of ABICO with a limited company and PPO Farm Co., Ltd. ("PPO Farm"), an affiliate of ABICO, is found to be ambiguous and contradictory; ABICO claimed that it was not
Funds Passport (ARFP) (List of the Notifications in Enclosure 5) shall also apply to HK-TH-MRF on the condition that they are not contradictory or inconsistent with the cooperative framework under HK-TH
contradictory or inconsistent with the cooperative framework under HK-TH MRF. The details are as follows: 2.1 Inbound regulations · Hong Kong Covered Management Companies shall comply with the provisions
Funds Passport (ARFP) (List of the Notifications in Enclosure 5) shall also apply to HK-TH-MRF on the condition that they are not contradictory or inconsistent with the cooperative framework under HK-TH
Baht 807.93 million of the quarter 2/2019. The significant decreasing came from the revenues decreasing of Transmission line works, substation construction works and increasing of Underground and
นวน 807.93 ลำ้นบำท เน่ืองจำกกำรลดลงในงำนก่อสร้ำงสำยส่ง และงำนสถำนีไฟฟ้ำยอ่ย แต่เพิ่มข้ึนในงำน Underground และระบบส่ือสำร ส ำหรับงวด 6 เดือน รอบบญัชีปี 2563 เท่ำกบั 895.82 ลำ้นบำท ลดลงจ ำนวน 546.94 ลำ้
Project, OFC ICONSIAM, True Coverage Expansion, Underground Electricity System - Nirvana (Rama9-Krungthep Kreetha). However, the revenue from the business decreased as in 2018 the delivery units of
governing the ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (ASEAN CIS) and the Asia Region Funds Passport (ARFP) shall also apply to HK-TH-MRF on the condition that they are not contradictory or inconsistent with the
For the 1st Quarter Ended 31 March, 2019 Page 1 (Translation) 1. Significant events of the 1st quarter of 2019 1.1 The signing of the shareholders agreement to invest in Underground Optic Fiber Network
Investment n/a Ranking by Industry Business 4/ Business Providing civil engineering and geotechnical works that require expertise and high technology such as underground and open excavation general civil works