: 01/08/2554 วันที่ตอบ : 04/08/2554 คำถาม : Contract For Difference (“CFD”) เข้าข่ายเป็นสัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า
petition with the Southern Bangkok Civil Court, Black Case No. Por 101/2567, dated 18 January 2024. The petition sought the Court’s order to revoke a share swap contract whereby NUSA shareholders would
- net 90.36 89.21% 77.71 65.79% (12.65) -14.00% Revenue from contract works 9.3 9.18% 36.93 31.26% 27.63 297.10% Revenue from service incomes 0.91 0.90% 0.55 0.47% (0.36) -39.56% Revenue from rental
Contract that is not subject to the Act, BE 2546 derivatives.
Contract That Is Not Subject to the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) (No. 3)
Contract that is not subject to the Act, BE 2546 derivatives.
its revenue from providing mobile phone service during the subscribers protection period starting from its entering into the interim subscribers protection measure pursuant to the NBTC’s Notification on
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the company. Expand investment to create stability and growth in the future. Generally, solar cell projects have contract period of 20-25 years, guaranteeing the fixed revenue during that period. The
energy in the form of PPA (Power purchase agreement) that has started business since February 2024, which has the nature of business operations. The company is the investor in installing the solar cell