the consciousness-raising and support efforts of many organizations to create a more diverse and balanced workforce, with the belief that in the future, women leaders will be a significant target
health consciousness. This will create a demand for wellness. As the wellness business has yet to operate, it incurred pre-opening expenses. MK was careful in controlling costs of goods sold and operating
level of the Company and subsidiaries to be consciousness and values in working with honesty, transparency, clarity and verifiability without any actions constitute to corruption directly and indirectly
trends towards light-weighting, use of sustainable materials, increasing levels of consciousness for personal hygiene and change in choice of personal wear, specially by the younger generation. From a
. There may in some cases be a tendency to focus more on the interests of those drawing benefits already or those who will shortly begin to do so; this tendency must be countered by a consciousness of the
Plus, thereby stimulating more sales in the smartphone product segment. Including the growth of sales in the form of selling through online channels, Marketplace has increased greatly from the company's
Specialized Nutrition Thailandรองชนะเลิศอันดับ 2: Nestle Thailand3. รางวัลนโยบายการตลาดที่คำนึงถึงประเด็นเพศภาวะ (Gender-responsive Marketplace) ได้แก่รางวัลชนะเลิศ: Unilever Thailand
Finance Plus ได้โดยตรง ท ำให้กระตุ้นยอดขำยในส่วนของ ผลิตภัณฑ์สมำร์ทโฟนได้มำกขึ้น รวมถึงกำรเติบโตของยอดขำยในรูปแบบกำรขำยผ่ำนช่องทำงออนไลน์ Marketplace เพิ่มขึ้น อย่ำงมำก จำกกำรทีบ่ริษัทฯ เน้นคัดเลือกสินค้ำใน
of the Dessert Shop into a new store format under "After You Marketplace" to generate additional income streams and to maximize the utilization of areas in the existing stores, especially during the
government’s relaxation of COVID-19 prevention measures. Expand “After You Marketplace” Stores • In the first quarter of 2022, the Company opened the first After You Marketplace standalone store on Pradipat Road