susceptibility, we employ the hostile takeover index invented by Cain, McKeon, and Solomon (2017). Principally based on the staggered enactment of anti-takeover state laws, this index is a novel measure of firm
าขายวาเปนผลกระทบตอการทําคําเสนอซื้อ หลักทรัพยของกิจการ วัตถุประสงค แมวาในชวงทีผ่านมามีการเขาครอบงํากิจการในลักษณะที่ไมเปนมติร (hostile takeover) เกดิขึ้นใน ตลาดทุนประเทศไทยเพยีงไมกี่
ecosystems and ecological processes to deliver services for humans are both highly variable and confusing and continue to proliferate. Rather than create new terms with these Criteria, we have focused on a
interests is a long and complex one. Indeed, some have suggested that it is too complex and confusing. This section is a brief high level attempt to provide insight into that complexity. In a broader sense
same ground. There is also potentially confusing differences and overlap between the SEA and PLCA. In spite of wide spread training and awareness raising, market participants may not always fully
supervision is to prevent market manipulation. All parties mutually agree to adopt the pre-emptive move concept and preventive measures should be specific and avoid confusing information. By doing so, the SEC