Stock 0 34.8107 34.8107 14/09/2023 5.9499 34.8107 40.7606 The acquirer has been granted a waiver of tender offer. 246026192309-1 JCKH ADVANCE OPPORTUNITIES FUND I Disposition Stock 6.4749 0.4588 6.016 29
Section 258 of the Act in consideration whether such acquisition/disposition results in an obligation to file a report;2. The new definition of securities acquirer?s/disposer?s related persons under Section
2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022 2.908 13.571 16.4791 The acquirer will reduce its shareholding. 246022442212-1 AIT SABUY TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Acquisition Stock 2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022
2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022 2.908 13.571 16.4791 The acquirer will reduce its shareholding. 246022442212-1 AIT SABUY TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Acquisition Stock 2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022
2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022 2.908 13.571 16.4791 The acquirer will reduce its shareholding. 246022442212-1 AIT SABUY TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Acquisition Stock 2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022
Stock 14.8295 0.3004 15.13 02/11/2022 14.8295 0.3004 15.13 246021492211-1 AIT SABUY TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Acquisition Stock 2.908 13.571 16.4791 10/10/2022 2.908 13.571 16.4791 The acquirer
CHETCHOTISAK, Mr. CHOT CHETCHOTISAK, บริษัท เชษฐโชติ โฮลดิ้งส์ จำกัด Commencement of status of a concert party Stock 62.4513 0 62.4513 08/03/2023 62.4513 0 62.4513 The acquirer will make a tender offer
92.463 26/05/2023 0 92.463 92.463 The acquirer will make a tender offer. 246024652305-1 MPIC Mr. Khanngoen Nuanual Acquisition Stock 0 89.0018 89.0018 26/05/2023 0 89.0018 89.0018 Revised version The
effective cybersecurity plans. SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said: ?Cyber threats are evolving very fast and becoming more complicated. Preventive measures alone may not be enough. It is therefore
those who offer for sale of complicated instruments including DW to provide investors with the fact sheet as well.? concluded Mr. Thirachai. ?