accommodate the HK-TH MRF project. In this regard, SEC applies the same principles for supervising the ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (ASEAN CIS) and the Asia Region Funds Passport (ARFP), for which
clear-cut regulations to accommodate business operation and service provision in the form of partnership so that business operators will be able to run their business according to their expertise and take
Microsoft Word - public hearing-complex&ACMF08082018 เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เลขที่ อจต. 33 /2561 เร่ือง รางประกาศการแกไขหลักเกณฑเก่ียวกับการออกและเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี และการเปดเผยขอมูล ครั้งที่ 2
SEC has plans to review the criteria relating to the report form of the securities and derivative business operators to accommodate the change in financial reporting standards - financial
SEC considers revising the regulations on the offering for sale of investment in shares held by listed companies or their subsidiaries in order that the shareholding can be conveniently restructured before any merger and acquisition. In the case of investments in shares of public limited companies, the filing of the registration statement and draft prospectus will be exempted. In the case of investment in shares of limited companies, these can be offered for sale to more than 50 investors...
Regulation is expected to take effect in the third or fourth quarter this year. SEC is therefore proposing the amendment to the related rules to accommodate securities business undertaking in accordance
TMB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 14/10/2013 - 22/10/2013
KRUNG THAI ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 15/03/2012 - 21/03/2012
TISCO ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 10/04/2012 - 04/05/2012
KIATNAKIN PHATRA ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 18/12/2013 - 19/12/2013