Bangkok, 31 January 2019 - The SEC has suspended approval for {A} as a securities investment consultant for one month on the ground of giving information or investment advice incompletely or incorrectly, and failing to disclose material information to support an investor's decision making.Following a client complaint, the SEC made further investigation and found that in May 2016 {A}, then working for RHB Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited, advised the client to buy shares of a company,...
Bangkok, January 7, 2015 - The SEC suspended {A}, a capital market investment consultant of Kasikorn Securities PLC., for failure to keep complete record of the derivatives trading orders.From a
SEC requests that business operators implement the BCP that must cover key work systems, including the trading system, the risk control system in compliance with the Net Capital Rules and the investment management system. This includes providing a communication channel that facilitates notifying and clarifying information to clients in case of major changes to service provision.“After continuous monitoring and coordinating with the business operators, we have found that they have implemen...
Association of Securities Companies (ASCO) agree that such research should contain complete, useful information for investors to make sound judgments. Thus, ASCO members are asked to provide such material
of Intermediary to Handle Clients’ Complaints and participation in the SEC Office’s project to resolve disputes by arbitration. 4.3 Having a business plan and an operating system for establishing a
website: and to lure investing public that it had a team of experienced and expert investment consultants to handle suitable portfolios for investors through
handle suitable portfolios for investors through different company names such as Global Investments Far East Limited and Global Investments International Limited. The aforesaid person jointly operated
Pursuant to the existing regulations on standard conduct of business, a securities and derivatives business operator intending to have a third party handle its partial business functions may do so in
/solr/secweb/select?q=electric manage OR "electric manage" OR "electrical handle" OR "electrical oversee" OR "power handle" OR "power oversee"&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=key_filetype
and documents submitted or presented or the explanations to elaborate or clarify in accordance with the first paragraph shall be complete and accurate.