person who has authorized the management of the private fund using knowledge and competence as a professional. SEC Act S.134 paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 in conjunction with 133 paragraph 1 Criminal
management of the private fund, using knowledge and competence as a professional. The securities company shall enter into a written agreement with a person or a group of persons who has authorized the
management of the private fund, using knowledge and competence as a professional. The securities company shall enter into a written agreement with a person or a group of persons who has authorized the
units in order to achieve efficiency in the overall operation of the company. (4) have performance appraisal and personnel development in order to maintain staff’s professional competence to remain fit
achieve efficiency in the overall operation of the company. (4) have performance appraisal and personnel development in order to maintain staff’s professional competence to remain fit and proper for the
coordinating with other units in order to achieve efficiency in the overall operation of the company. (4) have performance appraisal and personnel development in order to maintain staff’s professional competence
reasonable care) (3) ปฏิบติัหนำ้ท่ีดว้ยควำมรู้ควำมสำมำรถ ทกัษะ และมีควำมเอำใจใส่ต่อกำรด ำเนินงำนของกองทุน (skill competence and diligence) (4) เป็นผูมี้ควำมอิสระและมีควำมเท่ียงธรรมปรำศจำกควำมขดัแยง้ทำงผล
Office to suspend functioning as lead appraiser or being under the period of time that the SEC Office could refuse to accept the application; (7) having passed the test of competence or taken professional
of the product to the worldwide level and increase competence and capability of the company continuously and sustainably. 2. Business Outlook on Q2/2018 Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For
1 August 17, 2018 Subject: Capital Increase for Offering for Sale to Specific Investors (Private Placement), Connected Transaction, Amendments to Articles of Association/Objectives of the Company and Determination of the Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) at the Offering Price with a Discount of...