The Office of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been notified by the Stock Exchange of Thailand about the artificial appearance of ACD shares during the end of year 2014 causing by the trading activities of one group of individuals. According to the SEC’s further investigation, there was sufficient evidence showing that on 7 and 17 November 2014 Thanadej, Naruedee, Nitis and Winyoo had agreed or conspired on creating the false appearance of the price and volume of ACD shares by...
money into her own banking account, claiming the objective of subscribing certain securities that was not even issued for sale at the time; 2. Deceiving a client to transfer money into a banking
solicits and advertises CoinEx’s services to customers in Thailand. Mr. Puttipong Nijaroen, claiming that he is a partner of CoinEx Thailand, performed a guest speaker at Thailand Crypto Expo 2022 exhibited
% transaction fee to solicits and advertises CoinEx’s services to customers in Thailand. Mr. Puttipong Nijaroen, claiming that he is a partner of CoinEx Thailand, performed a guest speaker at Thailand Crypto Expo
, claiming returns from cryptocurrencies, digital tokens or package investment plans in the form of Ponzi scheme. Solicitors may also promise or guarantee attractive returns, luring investors into quick
indebtedness. Under the said circumstances, the debt securities holders may expose to legal risk that would restrain them claiming on the assets of overseas headquarter. Thus, the SEC proposed to amend the rules
, claiming that such money had been transferred to the client?s banking account by mistake by the securities company in charge. However, the client later found out the truth and received her money back from
personal bank account supposedly for the investors? securities purchases. She also tricked her clients into transferring their money to her personal bank account, claiming that she would subscribe for IPOs
This is according to Mr. Akeyuth Anchanbutr?s statement through various media claiming that: (1) There are politicians involving with the SCIB-C1 price manipulation; and (2) He also possesses
to complete the transactions. The client had given prior consent to her act claiming it was inconvenient to affix signature in person at the time. Despite no intention to conceal information in the