Teratanavat, (3) Mr. Vijchu Chantatab, and (4) Mrs. Shanya Pengpunpat had collusively manipulated share price and/or trading volume of the Market for Alternative Investment (mai)-listed TIGER between 24-29
agreed or conspired on creating the false appearance of the price and volume of ACD shares by continuously transacted in the shares pushing it to the higher price. This actions misled the general public
circulate the information memorandum to the shareholders within 21 days from the date on which it has made the disclosure to the Stock Exchange of Thailand in accordance with the Notification on Acquisition
Mrs. Shanya Pengpunpat Mrs. Shanya Pengpunpat assisted or facilitated Mr. Win Udomrachtavanich, Mr. Ratachai Teratanavat and Mr. Vijchu Chantatub to manipulate the stock price and trade volume of
more cash flow circulate in its operation. Board of Directors’ Opinion. Agreed to approve the sale in order to increase liquidity of the Company and also decrease debt and interest expenses Please be
hence is not required to circulate to all shareholders. Also, this transaction is not a connected party transaction. Please be informed accordingly, -Signed- Mr. Tee Seeumpornroj Chief Finance Officer
million (For support sales and market policies) - Temporary Investment decreased Baht 83.4 million (Used to circulate within the business) As of March 31, 2019 total liabilities amounted to Baht 777.4
4,786 2,182 45.58% Total Revenue 1,585,604 1,492,159 93,446 6.26% 444,474 376,271 68,203 18.13% Company total revenue on year 2017 slightly increased 6.26 percent from year 2016, due to higher sale volume
trading order or trading securities on a continued basis causing the price and the volume of DPAINT stocks to be inconsistent with the normal market condition. that was inconsistent with the normal market
trading order or trading securities on a continued basis causing the price and the volume of DPAINT stocks to be inconsistent with the normal market condition. that was inconsistent with the normal market