SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said that while everyone is practicing social distancing to control and mitigate the impacts of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), small-and medium-sized businesses still need to look for opportunities to access funding channels to keep their businesses running and supports to get them through the crisis. Since today’s ever advancing digital technology can be a great help to business fundraising, SEC will host a series of online seminar to sha...
SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said, “previously the comprehensive provision of counselling and advisory service on investment would be limited to private wealth only while the general public would face investment difficulties as they received a lot of information but could not analyze and compare a variety of investment products available or were advised to purchase individual products, especially those products for which the investment consultants receive high sales commissions or w...
Central Institute of Forensic Science is a new dimension that will increase the chances of success in law enforcement and the deterrence of offenses in the capital market.”Police Lieutenant Colonel
Strategy "This collaboration between SEC and the Department of Industrial Promotion is considered a new dimension that will help the SEC understand the real needs, problems and obstacles. And the SEC will
will lead to multiple dimension impact which is inevitable to participants in capital market businesses. All stakeholders in capital market must join forces to raise awareness among Thai business
more cash flow circulate in its operation. Board of Directors’ Opinion. Agreed to approve the sale in order to increase liquidity of the Company and also decrease debt and interest expenses Please be
hence is not required to circulate to all shareholders. Also, this transaction is not a connected party transaction. Please be informed accordingly, -Signed- Mr. Tee Seeumpornroj Chief Finance Officer
million (For support sales and market policies) - Temporary Investment decreased Baht 83.4 million (Used to circulate within the business) As of March 31, 2019 total liabilities amounted to Baht 777.4
sustainably in harmony with the environment in every dimension. SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said “SEC is committed to strengthening the capital market for growth and sustainable development by
companies which need to inform SET and circulate to their shareholders for acknowledgment within 21 days from the date informed SET. 13. Board of Directors’ Opinion : Agreed to approve buying the land for