The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in collaboration with nine partner organizations from the public and private sectors, co-organized the "Winner Announcement & Showcase" as part of the Capital Market Datathon project. The objective is to announce the winning teams and showcase their innovative ideas that bring value to the Thai capital market using SEC Open Data. Ms. Pornanong Budsaratragoon, SEC Secretary-General, extended congratulations to the award-winning teams and expres...
gender-inclusive businesses, seven winners across industries and sizes emerged as winners out of 62 applications, including representatives of the tech and investment sectors, from social enterprises to
PVD performers in terms of management excellence, investment governance for the benefit of sufficient savings and good quality of life for PVD members after retirement.The Grand Prize winners in each
Insom and Ms. Maneerat Sriphariwathin, winners of the 1st and 2nd FinTech Challenge, respectively, shared their experience. Ms. Archari Suppiroj, Director of the FinTech Department at the SEC, said
winner of 2 projects in according to the announcement of the list of bid winners of the Provincial Waterworks Authority dated March 31, 2020, as follows (1) The Phan Thong Project at Phan Thong Water
champions of the investment world can lend invaluable support to these transformative sustainability agendas whose aims encompass inclusivity, equity and transparency. An important step in that direction was
country. By investing responsibly in line with the BCG and other policy frameworks, domestic champions of the investment world can lend invaluable support to these transformative sustainability agendas
the country. By investing responsibly in line with the BCG and other policy frameworks, domestic champions of the investment world can lend invaluable support to these transformative sustainability
เป็นหนึ่งในบริษัทในอำเซียนที่มีนวัตกรรมทำงธุรกิจ ผ่ำนรำงวัล “ASEAN’s Transformation Champions” จำก Innosight ผู้น ำด้ำนกำรให้ค ำปรึกษำกำรเปลี่ยนแปลงนวัตกรรมเชิงกลยุทธ์ ตอกย ้ำถึงควำมส ำเร็จในกำรปรับ
being the licensee who is authorized to broadcast live Premier League, UEFA Champions League and La Liga (“Football Leagues”) in Philippines. For the joint investment between Triple CH and the Company