quality while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Enterprise services rise on economic certainty and continual digital transformation trend Non-mobile enterprise business reported revenue of Bt1,821mn
, constrained by the cyclical and volatile nature of the securities industry and the downward pressure on commission rates, a result of intensifying competition. บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั )มหาชน
company to provide advice or information concerning investment in a fund; (c) having systematic procedures and methods for accepting of purchase or redemption orders which can be examined for certainty and
information concerning investment in a fund; (c) having systematic procedures and methods for accepting of purchase or redemption orders which can be examined for certainty and accuracy of orders, and can be
certainty and accuracy of orders, and can be examined that such orders are acquired as prescribed in the prospectus; (d) having a system for accepting customer’s complaint which supports the compliance with
last year mainly attributed to increase in Disposal Asset Group classified as held for sales of Power Plants business unit in the amount of THB 149.44 million. After considering the certainty of disposal
construction material market during the last quarter of this year should improve due to better economic conditions and more certainty in political situation in the country. The end of rainy season will also
and Disposition of Assets, BE 2547 when there is a certainty of the transaction. The Company’s transaction is considered an asset acquisition transaction under the announcement of the Stock Exchange of
driven by genuine consumer demands. Enterprise business rebounded with a better economic certainty. Non-mobile enterprise business reported a revenue of Bt1,520mn, growing 20% YoY and 14% QoQ, mainly from
หุนกลุมที่ปรับตัวเพิ่มขึ้นยังคงเปนหุนกลุม cyclical เชนหุนกลุม สถาบันการเงิน หุนกลุมพลังงาน หุนกลุมสายการบิน และหุนกลุมโรงแรม เชนเดียวกันกับหุนกลุมเทคโนโลยี ที่นัก ลงทุนยังคงใหความสนใจ