- - 7,363 67.72 149,868 16,421 2,461,057 100.00 139,228 25,067 3,489,974 100.00 10,640 (1,028,917) (29.48) Increase (Decrease) 2. Production Service 3. Sea Freight Carrier 5. Other Income *** Total Revenue
- - 7,363 67.72 149,868 16,421 2,461,057 100.00 139,228 25,067 3,489,974 100.00 10,640 (1,028,917) (29.48) Increase (Decrease) 2. Production Service 3. Sea Freight Carrier 5. Other Income *** Total Revenue
THB 3.55 million or 12.72%. 4. Revenues from sea freight carrier Revenues ratio from sea freight carrier business in the fiscal year 2014 and 2013 was 0.77% and 1.08% respectively. revenue decreased due
17,710 15,939 1.39 (7,763) (6,987) (43.84) Edible Oil 3,680 7,042 1.09 0 0 - 3,680 7,042 100.00 Total Refining 13,627 15,994 2.48 17,710 15,939 1.39 (4,083) 55 0.35 3. Sea Freight Carrier - 11,844 1.84
0.98 7,632 6,869 95.85 Edible Oil 7,471 13,281 1.62 - - - 7,471 13,281 100.00 Total Refining 23,066 27,316 3.33 7,963 7,166 0.98 15,103 20,150 281.20 3. Sea Freight Carrier - - - - - - - - - 4. Other
0.98 7,632 6,869 95.85 Edible Oil 7,471 13,281 1.62 - - - 7,471 13,281 100.00 Total Refining 23,066 27,316 3.33 7,963 7,166 0.98 15,103 20,150 281.20 3. Sea Freight Carrier - - - - - - - - - 4. Other
from selling crude palm oil for THB 105.29 million, 3,396 tons at average selling price of THB 31,000 Baht/ton. The revenue from by-products in the 1st quarter of 2015 has decreased from the 1st quarter
the 3rd quarter of 2014. 4. Sea Freight Carrier Business In 3rd quarter of 2015 AIL has no income from Sea Freight service of transferring the Crude Palm Oil between AIPT-Chumphon and AIPT-Samut Sakhon
. Sea Freight Carrier Business In 3rd quarter of 2015 AIL has no income from Sea Freight service of transferring the Crude Palm Oil between AIPT-Chumphon and AIPT-Samut Sakhon, while there was revenuefor
663.28 million by selling at 20,427 tons at average price of 32.47 baht/kg. Also, there was revenue from sales of Crude palm oil of THB 22.01 million. Lastly, the revenue from selling By-product was THB