(Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (“DBS”), shall be liable for DBS’s failure to calculate the net capital (NC) in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures of the Notification of the Securities and Exchange
Securities (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (“DBS”), shall be liable for DBS’s failure to calculate the net capital (NC) in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures of the Notification of the Securities and
Act (No.7), B.E. 2562 stipulates additional legal severance pay rates for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more. Such employees are entitled to receive
employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more. Such employees are entitled to receive compensation at a rate of not less than that of the last 400 days’s compensation at the
expenses increased by severance pay rate for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of 20 years or more are entitled to receive compensation at a rate of not less than the last 400 days from
adjust the assumptions for cash flows projections of those subsidiaries to calculate the recoverable amount appropriately, and to consider the adequacy and appropriateness of the impairment loss for
securities company or derivatives broker for damage or loss incurred to client?s money and the business operator will be required to calculate value of instruments or securities in which client?s money are
calculate the limits for each investment policy instead of for each fund, except for the investment limits set out in Clause 54.” Clause 4. In calculating limits for additional investment in assets by
calculate the limits for each investment policy instead of for each fund, except for the investment limits set out in Clause 54.” Clause 4. In calculating limits for additional investment in assets by
, management company shall calculate the limits for each investment policy instead of for each fund, except for the investment limits set out in Clause 54.” Clause 4. In calculating limits for additional