Cement Raw Mat. Fuel BoilerSteam Turbine Power Waste Heat 280-350 oC Burning Process 1,450 oC Household Solar Services Industrial or Large Area Solar Services High emissivity coating technology for
://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions, IPCC climate science report (2021), Climate Action Tracker https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions 8 Burning fossil fuels ● Driving / flying ● Making goods ● Growing food
proprietary technology that helps manufacture Propylene Oxide, clearner burning Oxifuels, Ethylene Oxide derivatives, Ethanolamine and Propylene Glycol in a highly cost competitive manner. All these products
propylene oxide ,clearner burning Oxifuels, Ethylene Oxide derivatives, Ethanolamine และ Propylene Glycol ซ่ึงช่วยให้บริษทัมี ตน้ทุนท่ีไดเ้ปรียบในการแข่งขนั โดยผลิตภณัฑเ์หล่าน้ีถูกผลิตท่ี Port Neches รัฐ