Bangkok, 6 January 2023 – The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced appointments and rotations of departmental directors to meet the new organizational structure
There have been a large number of holding companies that issue IPOs. These companies conduct various types of businesses and comprise many affiliates, both in Thailand and in other countries. In each group of companies, an affiliate acting as the central company is the one whichsets out policies and business directions for all affiliates and associated companies within that group of companies. The current rules require both the issuers as well as all affiliates that engage in the main bus...
แบบรับทราบความเสี่ยง (Structure Note)
THB122.76 million from the same period of last year, or 993.96% increase, because loss from write-down of bought condominium for sales, The mainly expenses are from transfer to condominium of ABOVE Sukhumvit
Shareholders’ Structure and Shareholding Proportion of a Limited Company or Public Limited Company Which Is Established to Undertake Securities Business in the Category of Securities Finance
Mrs.Chanyarat Sangtong Between 20 August, 2015 to 11 December, 2015, Mrs.Chanyarat Sangtong who involved in the UOB Freehold Eight Thonglor property fund (“UOB8TF”) bought UOB8TF Units by using
English (United States) SECOffice About Us × Home > About Us > Get to Know Us > Our Structure
English (United States) SECOffice About Us × Home > About Us > Get to Know Us > Our Structure
learned from the Board of Directors Meeting Agendas. In addition, he did not report his conflict of interest to the Board of Directors that on January 25, 2016 he bought 10,000 contracts of JASH16 Futures
from the announcement. Financial structure The Company emphasizes the importance of financial structure management efficiency which should be flexible in difficult circumstances and able to maintain the