Bangkok, January 14, 2008 ? The SEC has announced the resolutions of the SEC Board Meeting No.1/2008 held on January 11, 2008, as summarized below: 1. Amendments to SBL and Short Selling
Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Investing in and Seeking of Benefits for Long Term Equity Fund
Inform the Board Resolution to register a subsidiary company in SET - Translation - UAC.CS/006/2018 March 23, 2018 Subject: Plan to spin-off Subsidiary Company to be listed in mai To: The President
afford high-risk investment, such as institutional investors, private equity, venture capital and angel investors. Eligible investors also include directors and employees of the SMEs or companies in the
Equity Coverage Central Pattana Public Company Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) 1 of 10 Performance Overview Growth continued both revenue and net profits, attributed to efficient
Bangkok, February 25, 2014 ? The SEC Board approved private equity (PE) structured as trust or ?PE trust? to promote PE development, increase more fund raising channels for businesses and encourage
Draft ASEAN Equity Disclosure Standards เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เร่ือง การเปดเผยขอมูลกรณีบริษัทตางประเทศ เขามาเสนอขายหุนในประเทศไทย สํานักงาน สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพยและตลาดหลกัทรัพย
On 15 November 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Baord Meeting No. 11/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposal for amendment to the regulations on equity allocation to promote clarity. The
intention to promote and support the successful implementation of cross-border equity offering and depositary receipt (DR) and serves as another important milestone to reflect the strong relationship
(Secretary- General, International Chamber of Commerce), Cheo Hock Kuan (Executive Director and CEO, Temasek Trust), Anna Ryott (Chair of Board, Summa Equity), Amy Jadesimi (CEO, Ladol), Ma Weihu (Chairman