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Bangkok, January 8, 2015 ? The SEC has moved forward the integration of the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET) and the Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) in accordance with the Cabinet
Bangkok, January 8, 2015 ? The SEC has moved forward the integration of the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET) and the Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) in accordance with the Cabinet
นางสาวจอมขวัญ คงสกุล ผู้ช่วยเลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมสัมมนาออนไลน์ หัวข้อ “The way forward for Southeast Asia – an ESG perspective” ซึ่งจัดขึ้นโดย
The ACMF convened its 39th ACMF Chairs’ Meeting today hosted by the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan / OJK). The meeting is in a hybrid format with the in-person meeting being held in Bali, Indonesia.The Meeting endorsed the ASEAN Transition Finance Guidance (Guidance] which serves as a common standard guidance for what constitutes a credible, transparent, and inclusive transition with a focus on aligned and aligning transition finance opportunities. The Guidance co...
launch of this project is another milestone for knowledge sharing in our market which in turn will bring new ideas and discussions that will be beneficial for business and the further development of the
confirm and formalize the good contacts between our two authorities. Thailand and Luxembourg have a lot of things in common and we are convinced that this MoU will be beneficial by prompting a better mutual
Malaysia. Based on an extensive survey of country practices, the Guide identifies good practices and puts forward recommendations in the following areas: Putting into place a comprehensive legal framework
a selling order for the securities in such account. It was found that prior to the transaction, {A} had learnt of the identity of the securities' beneficial owner who was not the account owner
driven by lower industry-wide Integrated PET spreads. Going forward, management will focus on cost management initiatives, drive operational excellence, and working capital optimization in parallel with