Earlier, the SEC received tips from the concerned public and stakeholders that unlicensed digital asset business operators, both local and foreign, were soliciting investments and services to the public at a financial technology exhibition held at a shopping center. The SEC thus conducted an on-site investigation to collect evidence. Today, the SEC and the ECD inspected the exhibition booths at the fintech expo and found a number of business operators who may be liable to undertaking securities...
www.sec.or.th/scamalert or email: scamalert@sec.or.th. The SEC will verify and further investigate all submitted cases promptly and notify relevant authorities to remove fraudulent contents or channels used for
ชุมคณะท ำงำน sustainable finance เพ่ือหำรือเก่ียวกบันโยบำย ทิศทำง เป้ำหมำย และกำรด ำเนินกำรเพ่ือส่งเสริมกำรเงินเพ่ือควำมย ัง่ยนื - สมัมนำ เดินสำย ให้ควำมรู้แก่ผูท่ี้เก่ียวขอ้ง เพ่ือสร้ำง awareness และ
. From the raid, documents concerning solicitations for securities trading and clients? profiles were found at the site. As a result, the SEC will further investigate into documents as well as interview
operator. Noted: Filing a criminal complaint is the commencement of the criminal process. Under the Criminal Procedure Code, after receiving the complaint, the inquiry officer will investigate the case
, “Leadership Role and Sustainable Business,” and the launch of Gender Corner. The event aimed to raise awareness of women in leadership role and gender equality, and to recognise listed companies’ support for
, investor, reviewer) เพ่ือสร้าง awareness และกระตุน้ใหเ้กิดความสนใจ - ประชุม/ อบรมใหพ้นกังานมีความเขา้ใจเชิงลึกต่อแผนพฒันา sustainable finance ของต่างประเทศ รวมถึงกลไก eco-system ท่ีส าคญั 11 การจดัตั้งและ
public awareness on life plan. The program aims to help support sustainable development in Thailand. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said the SEC launched ?Money Mun-D? to build positive
The SEC is also working with the DSI in accordance with the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation to investigate EARTH’s suspicious acquisition of the legal rights over coal mines in
under the power given by the SEC Act. If other relevant state agencies with power and duty decide to further investigate this particular case, we would fully accommodate,? he added.