“Exposing Scams: Recognizing the Fraud Game 5.0” under the “Building Thai People's Awareness of Online Issues (1212 ETDA)” Project, organized by the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), with
investment account. In this regard, investors are usually requested to give the same information repeatedly when open a new account with different intermediaries. Such redundancy causes inconvenience and a
different intermediaries. Such repetitive filing causes inconvenience and higher cost of accessing different capital market services from different intermediaries. This current practice may also affect the
the Internet, and the inconvenience for thorough reading of lengthy registration statements and prospectuses.The proposal is not expected to add much compliance cost because in practice issuers tend to
, “Leadership Role and Sustainable Business,” and the launch of Gender Corner. The event aimed to raise awareness of women in leadership role and gender equality, and to recognise listed companies’ support for
public awareness on life plan. The program aims to help support sustainable development in Thailand. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said the SEC launched ?Money Mun-D? to build positive
, derivatives fund manager, investor contact and derivatives investor contact shall receive an approval from the SEC Office and whereas the flood catastrophe may cause obstacle and inconvenience to such persons
World Investor Week is a global campaign to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). The
Challenges in driving ESG • Situational Awareness 1. • Sustainability Risks & Opportunities 2. • Board’s role in driving Sustainability Agenda 3. Purpose Statements • The mission statement up to the year 2020
: Push to the Limit, Stop the Corruption,” featured exhibitions showcasing anti-corruption efforts across various sectors, raising awareness and anti-corruption commitment performances. The ceremony took