SEC Deputy Secretary-General Tipsuda Thavaramara revealed that SEC has launched an automated data distribution system, or SEC API, to enable easy access to SEC’s information or third party
Bangkok, 27 July 2017 ? The SEC has refused to grant Energy Earth Public Company Limited (EARTH) an extended deadline for submitting the special audit report which was due on 24 July 2017, and urged the company to expedite the submission to the SEC and the disclosure through the SET Electronic Information System. Meanwhile, EARTH executives are subject to investigation regarding their duty performance. Earlier, the SEC had instructed EARTH to arrange a special audit on the advanced payments for...
baht to support the 2024 Automated Telemetry Station Maintenance Project. This contribution aims to assist communities in disaster prevention, monitoring, and preparedness to effectively respond to
อาวุโส สำนักกำกับดูแลและตรวจสอบ มาบรรยายให้ความรู้และแบ่งปันประสบการณ์เกี่ยวกับหลักเกณฑ์และการกำกับดูแลการใช้ชุดคำสั่งคอมพิวเตอร์สำหรับส่งคำสั่งซื้อขายโดยอัตโนมัติ (automated programmatic trading) ซึ่งรวม
OR "computerized actual" OR "automated real" OR "automated genuine" OR "digital real" OR "digital genuine"&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=key_filetype&facet.field=key_sitemap&facet.field
, for the purpose of listing my name onto the Issuing Company’s Director and Executive Database of the company, to inspect my personal information relevant to consideration of the SEC Office and to
Issuing Company’s Director and Executive Database of the company. In addition, I here by give my permission to the SEC Office to inspect my personal information relevant to consideration of the SEC Office
will regularly review and maintain the audit quality control system to comply with the standards mentioned in 1. Additionally, the audit firm consents for inspectors of the SEC Office to inspect the
and maintain the audit quality control system to comply with the standards mentioned in 1. Additionally, the audit firm consents for inspectors of the SEC Office to inspect the audit quality when
and the audit firm consents inspectors of the SEC to inspect the audit quality system when the SEC requires. 3. I consent to prepare and deliver information that the audit firm will prepare or obtain