Management Name : Miss PEN YODKLIANG | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Buy | Transaction Date : 14/05/2018
Management Name : Miss PEN YODKLIANG | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Buy | Transaction Date : 22/05/2018
the increase from the higher of material cost for assemble the automation project, although the company have the good cost control system. 3. The Group’s selling and administrative expenses for the 2nd
Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) polyester high value-added films for the specialty, industrial, packaging, automotive, advanced magnetic media, photo systems, electrical and electronics markets and many more
Biaxially-Oriented Polyethylene (BOPET) และ Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) ชัน้น าของโลก ซึง่อยูใ่นกลุม่ผลติภณัฑ์ที่มมีลูคา่เพิม่ (High Value Added) และใช้เป็นวสัดพุเิศษ ส าหรับใช้งานเฉพาะด้านในอตุสาหกรรม
well as car assemble manufacturers temporarily closed their production lines leading to lower sales orders and the month of May is Ramadon period which will affect the sale volume in Middle East and
types of bedding, including assemble and furniture design servicing. Miss Kritchanok Pattamasattayasonthi, Miss Pitchapim Pattamasattayasonthi, Mr. Aekkaruk Pattamasattayasonthi, and Mr. Aekkarit
types of bedding, including assemble and furniture design servicing. Miss Kritchanok Pattamasattayasonthi, Miss Pitchapim Pattamasattayasonthi, Mr. Aekkaruk Pattamasattayasonthi, and Mr. Aekkarit
(DTF), a leading global producer of Biaxially-oriented Polyeth- ylene Terephthalate (BOPET) and Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) films with total film capacity of 180kt per annum. This acquisition includes
เป็นผูผ้ลิต Biaxially-oriented Polyethylene Terephthalate (BOPET) และ Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) film ชั้นน าของโลก โดยรวมมีก าลงัการ ผลิตฟิลม์ทั้งหมด 180 กิโลตนัต่อปี การเขา้ซ้ือกิจการในคร้ังน้ีประ