the executive committee or chief executive officer to have an authority regarding the determination and alteration of the date, time, and venue of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1
HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO No WICE 002/2018 4 January 2018 Subject: The payment of share acquisition of Universal Worldwide Transportation ( “UWT”) To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
INTERNATIONAL GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 1 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 14/06/2021 17:02 Investment in newly issued ordinary shares of Fuel Pipeline Transportation Company
upon any members of executive committee (its agent), managing director (its agent) regarding the determination, and alteration of the date, time, and venue of the Extraordinary General Meeting of
S Holding Co., Ltd. (“All S”), which aim to invest in automobile assembly business, public transportation services, supported technology and related application to public transportation business. In
HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO เลขท่ี WICE 002/2561 วนัท่ี 4 มกราคม 2561 เร่ือง ขอแจง้การเขา้ท ารายการและช าระเงินค่าหุน้สามญั Universal Worldwide Transportation ( “UWT”) เรียน กรรมการผูจ้ดัการ ตลาดหล
business in automobile assembly, public transportation services, supported technology and related application to public transportation business. All S will increase the registered capital from 300 million
necessary for purchasing and acquiring the entire business transfer of SQL. For example, liaison with government authorities, amendment, alteration until the completion of entire business transfer. This
; · abnormal operation ; · compliance and alteration a network by unauthorized person. · Preparing a network diagram which having a detail related to scope of internal network and external network and other
[M] ▪ Attempt to trespass via the network ; ▪ abnormal operation; ▪ compliance and alteration a network by unauthorized person. 4 the importance operational system means securities trading system