Based on a third-party report and the SEC’s further investigation, it has been found that in 2017 Mr. Chiyachantana (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WORLD at the time of the offense) dishonestly diverted company assets to himself or a third party and sought unlawful gains for himself or others, causing damage to WORLD at the total amount of 30 million baht. Ms. Hongsri rendered assistance or facilitation for Mr. Chiyachantana in committing the offense. The case was related to the selling...
คำขอลงทะเบียน/เปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูล/เพิกถอนผู้บริหารบัญชีผู้ใช้งาน (account administrator)
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Preparation of Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Director, Executive, Auditor, Plan Preparer and Plan Administrator
Preparation of Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Director, Executive, Auditor, Plan Preparer and Plan Administrator
ผูบ้รหิารบญัชผีูใ้ชง้าน Account Administrator การยืน่แบบแตง่ต ัง้ Account Administrator ระบบแจง้แตง่ตัง้ฯ Create ค ำขอโดย กำรกรอก e-Form Company account ระบบแจง้แตง่ตัง้ฯ Download ค ำขอ (pdf) & Print
Base Point Associate Company Limited Base Point Associate Company Limited conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand under the name of Base Point
the 2022 Annual General Meeting of shareholders 25/02/2022 12:32 The calling the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2022 and disposal of investment in associate (Edit) 24/02/2022 21:37 The
การยืน่แบบแจง้ยกเลกิ company account ผูบ้รหิารบญัชผีูใ้ชง้าน Account Administrator การยืน่แบบแตง่ต ัง้ Account Administrator ระบบแจง้แตง่ตัง้ฯ Create ค าขอโดย การกรอก e-Form Company account ระบบแจง้แตง่