Bangkok, January 6, 2015 - The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC) and the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to form ?Academic Alliance? project to develop knowledge management for public and private sectors as well as economic, social and capital market development. The project aims at creating quality graduates through a variety of academic projects. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said, "This MOU sign...
The new partnership between CDP, which runs the global TCFD-aligned environmental disclosure system, and the SEC will include collaboration on a number of important areas including: • Co-developing a programme to improve the quantity and quality of environmental disclosures from corporates and financial institutions in Thailand • The provision of data and insights from CDP to the SEC and other policy actors to support the priorities laid out in the Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand...
On December 28, 2018, SEC together with the Legal Execution Department and the Department of Legal Execution, Office of the Attorney General, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the benefit of legal execution against offenders. It is the integration of collaboration between the three agencies, supporting the functions of each agency including exchanging information, knowledge and expertise in the prevention of the transfer of property enabling the collection of assets of offenders or defen...
Bangkok, March 10, 2014 ? The SEC jointly with the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), the Thai Bankers? Association (TBA), the Association of International Banks (AIB), the Association of Securities Companies (ASCO), and the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA), launched a project called ?A thousand baht, Start a journey to your dream? to promote investment discipline among working-age population by conveniently investing at least 1,...
companies to adjust themselves. While innovation and new technologies have been brought to business strategies, while investors and related parties? expectations particularly in environmental and social
Bangkok, March 30, 2016 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on proposed amendments to the rules governing dispute settlement between retail investors and intermediaries to adjust the arbitration
of Shareholders No.1/2021 to electornic meeting (Adjust Template) 05/01/2021 18:27 Notification of the change of Meeting venue and change a method of convening the Extraordinary General of Shareholders
rules governing dispute settlement between retail investors and intermediaries to adjust the arbitration process in line with the current economic environment, international standards and relevant laws
Bangkok, August 14, 2014 ? Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General revealed that the Capital Market Supervisory Board approved the streamlining of structured notes regulations to boost
reducing production cost and also negotiating with customers to review and adjust selling price every quarter. 2.2. Distribution costs for 2018 was in the amount of 4.95 million baht, increased by 1.16