Rim Khlong Phra Khanong, Phra Khanong Nuea Sub-district, Vadhana District Bangkok10110 Phone 0-2030-3730 Fax URL www.xspringcapital.com Contact Person Contact Contact Name ฝ่ายผู้ลงทุนสัมพันธ์
rig h ts re se rv e d . D ig ita l In fra stru c tu re fo r C a p ita l M a rk e t R e v is e d B u s in e s s P ro c e s s : B o n d F ilin g & P rim a ry M a rk e t (d a ta a s o f 2 2 n d S e p te m
relevant to Asia as Asian capital markets continue to deepen and become more complex. As the Principles are outcome-based, they are adaptable to a number of country circumstances. Important progress has