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Thai Class Action × Home > กฎหมาย / กฎเกณฑ์ > สรุปกฎเกณฑ์ > การดำเนินคดีแบบกลุ่ม การดำเนินคดีแบบ
. Phuvanat naranubala expressed that ?The SEC appreciates what the ASCO has done and views that this action is a good starting point for business operators to jointly set up their own supervision guidelines.?
for filing a lawsuit to a civil court currently under the process of legal execution SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 281/2 para.1 in conjunction with 89/7 Civil Action Dated 28/12/2018
amount of 97,185.00 Baht SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 297 para.1 Civil Action Dated 08/07/2022
20,883.00 Baht SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 297 para.1 Civil Action Dated 27/02/2023
> SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 297 para.1 Civil Action Dated 27/02/2023
> SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 297 para.1 Civil Action Dated 27/02/2023
; - a reimbursement of investigative expenses in an amount of 27,542.00 Baht SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 297 para.1 Civil Action Dated 15/11/2023
The SEC revealed its 2005 Action Plan aiming at elevating good corporate governance of listed companies and preparing the Thai capital market on par with international standards. The SEC will also