acquired value and Selling expenses decreased by 8.36 million baht due to lower sales. 4. Financial costs of 19.61 million baht, a decrease of 7.72 million baht or 28.24 percent due to the Company's Redeem
the previous year, the net loss was 91.97 million baht, the company had a net loss, a decrease from the same period of last year equal to 56.58 million baht. The company would like to clarify the
million baht from the difference from the appraised value compared to the acquired value. 4. Financial costs of 14.30 million baht, a decrease of 8.15 million baht or 36.29 percent due to the redemption of
acquired business according to the accounting standards under WHA level. Therefore, the genuine gross margin in 2018 was 51.4%. Industrial Development Business 2017 2018 Increase/(Decrease) THB mm THB mm THB
. The increase was predominantly due to the consolidation of the acquired hotel business in Europe. 2) Revenue from the office for rent business of Baht 40.9 million, which grew by Baht 31.4 million or
clarifies the changes in the performance over 20% as follows: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Consolidated Financial Statements Q2 2016 Q2 2017 Increase/(Decrease) THB mm THB mm THB mm % Total Revenue/1 1,492.8 2,714.4
the period, the Company acquired dried fruits business and a decrease in loss from restaurant business. At the present, the revenue from packaging business of totally 144.20 million Baht or 36.01% of
/(Decrease) 1H 2017 1H 2018 Increase/(Decrease) THB mm THB mm THB mm % THB mm THB mm THB mm % Total Revenue/1 3,407.7 2,023.4 (1,384.3) (40.6%) 4,772.8 5,470.5 697.7 14.6% Total Cost 1,248.6 859.8 (388.8
/(Decrease) 1H 2017 1H 2018 Increase/(Decrease) THB mm THB mm THB mm % THB mm THB mm THB mm % Total Revenue/1 3,407.7 2,023.4 (1,384.3) (40.6%) 4,772.8 5,470.5 697.7 14.6% Total Cost 1,248.6 859.8 (388.8
August 2020, Asia Clean Energy Co. Ltd., a subsidiary, acquired common shares of 3 biomass power plants in the proportion of 100 percent with the consideration paid of Baht 464.6 million. From comparison