cooperation on AGM assessment and they subsequently made satisfactory outcomes this year. It is very challenging for those excellent companies to maintain their high standards. For those yet to attain the high
into account our own strengths and weaknesses to make sure that we are moving toward the right direction to achieve our goals while maintaining investor confidence locally and internationally
into account our own strengths and weaknesses to make sure that we are moving toward the right direction to achieve our goals while maintaining investor confidence locally and internationally
strengthening capacities of the organization to cope with change and achieve the SEC Mission.”Ms. Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Secretary-General, said: “In laying out the SEC Strategic Plan 2021-2023, we took into
-being To accomplish these goals, the SEC has outlined organizational plan as a key enabler to drive and support the effectiveness of the intended outcomes and achieve the key results.Today’s seminar
security pitfalls previously causing IT incidents in the capital market, and (4) the updated IT rules and guidelines issued by other regulators in the financial sector. The intended outcome is to accomplish
well received by our customers, in order to increase new customers and maintain our existing customer base. The Company is still working on plan and can achieve goals The number of “Boonterm Kiosk” in
. However, those projects will all be delivered within this year. To accomplish cost management policy, The Group will no longer accept such condition project in the future. Cost to revenue from sale of
accomplish the Transaction suddenly. 4.3 Calculation of the Transaction value The Transaction is calculated by the Regulation of Total Value Repayment. It bases on consolidated financial statement yearly 2017
will all be delivered within this year. To accomplish cost management policy, The Group will no longer accept such condition project in the future. Cost to revenue from sale of industrial equipment ratio