sentenced the accused to three year imprisonment. As the accused’s plea was useful to proceeding, the Court reduced the punishment by one-third, resulting in two year imprisonment. SEC Act S.90 and Section
n Op Sale Cost of Go Other Inco Gross Prof Selling exp Administra Finance co Net Profit Equity hol Cost of Go Gross Prof Finance co Plea You (Ms Chie Auth erating resu TH ood Sold ome fit
ความผิดอีก (กฎหมายหลักทรัพย์ของไทยยังไม่มี plea bargain เหมือนในบางประเทศ) ข้อที่ 2 ในกรณีที่มิได้เป็นไปตามหลักเกณฑ์ในประกาศฉบับใดซึ่งมีข้อห้าม บลจ. ทำ
sources during the period. In addition, electricity cost was lower by 76.37 million Baht following to the reduced sales volume. Moreover, the water sources were abundant in Chachoengsao and Chonburi area
million Baht following to the reduced sales volume. Moreover, the water sources were abundant in Chachoengsao and Chonburi area, so that the company did not transfer water from Nongplalai reservoir to
. nchanged. (Plea ce, in 1H17, AI .2% EBITDA ma petitive with ta he synergy of band, and dig well as creat Frequency Allo in Jun‐17. The members who ng in Oct‐17. pricing. The gro ttractive
entire value chain in USA c. Most integrated PET company in North America d. Leverage on abundant shale gas supply in US e. ~90% completed by July2017 2 Expansion of HVA Automo- tive Fibers in China (Per
28th, 2017, the debtor was absent to appear in the Court and the plea was not filed. Therefore, the Court has ordered that the Defendant is absent from filing the testimony and proceeding and the
capital which is the subject of this case is 1,024,774.96 Baht. On December 28th, 2017, the debtor was absent to appear in the Court and the plea was not filed. Therefore, the Court has ordered that the
and the plea was not filed. Therefore, the Court has ordered that the Defendant is absent from filing the testimony and proceeding and the Plaintiff is entitled to unilateral witness investigation