seeking unfair benefits from investor by taking advantage of her duty performance. In addition, during May 2018, {A} failed to execute the client’s order to buy shares of a company and did not inform the
, operating profit would decrease by Baht 75.3 million or 45.6% if excluding the write-off of plant and equipment from the renovation of River Wing building amount of Baht 79.0 million. For expenditures, the
>วันที่ตอบ: 11/11/2553 คำถาม: การ Write-off ทรัพย์สินออกจาก Port ของกองทุนถือว่าเป็นการจำหน่ายทรัพย์สินที่กองทุนรวมไม่สามารถลงทุนหรือมีไว้ได้
, net profit for this quarter decreased by Baht 154.3 million or 93.4% compared to the same period last year. However, operating profit would decrease by Baht 75.3 million or 45.6% if excluding the write
เงินกัน ธพ. 3. วิธีการรับรู้ผลขาดทุน ถูกบังคับแปลงเป็นหุ้นสำมัญ (conversion to equity) หรือ ถูกลดมลูค่ำ/ ปลดหนี้ (write down/write off) ทั้งนี้ ธพ. ต้องระบุวิธีกำรรับรูผ้ลขำดทุนให้ชัดเจนก่อนกำรเสนอ
2018. Operating expenses which included the write-off of plant and equipment increased by Baht 23.3 million or 3.4% compared to year 2018. Additional finance costs of Baht 16.1 million or 182.7% were
begun, {A} could not execute the ATO order in time and decided to execute the order at the market price (MP) instead without notifying the client in advance. As a result, the client received less
write off for bad debt and 11.0 million baht exchange loss from foreign currency account. - Profit for the year declined 24% from the previous year, from 180.9 million baht to 137.8 million baht. Earnings
digital asset business operators. Essentially, the proposed amendment would allow digital asset fund managers to apply for a quota to execute foreign exchange transactions with financial institutions in
, more staff hiring in headquarter to serve expansion and new business plan and asset write-off, The percentage of Admin. / sales from 15% in Q2/ 2017 to 19% was mainly brought by Don Muang branch closing