persons shall not be in aggregation at a time greater than one third of the total sold units of a mutual fund. Such limitations on unitholding are to ensure that investment units are widely allocated to
plastic woven sack is decreased from the effects of the recessions of economic circumstance since the beginning of the year, combine with the drought condition which affected the agricultural sectors which
resulted from revenue decrease from the sale of plastic woven bag from the effects of the recessions of economic circumstance since the beginning of the year, combine with the drought condition which
the decreased sale of plastic woven sack is decreased from the recessions of economic plus the baht appreciated results in our main customers in Exporter of Tapioca flour has less order. In additional
-woven fabric) ส าหรับผลิตภณัฑ์ เช่น ผ้าอ้อมเด็ก (diapers) ผ้าอ้อมผู้ใหญ่ (incontinence) และผลติภณัฑ์อื่นในตลาดเพื่อสขุอนามยั ก าลงัการผลติ 203,000 เมตริกตนัตอ่ปี ที่ตัง้โรงงาน ทัง้หมด 6 แห่ง ตัง้อยู่ใน
compare with the same period of previous year with amount of 200.83 million baht which is decreased by 2.86 million baht or 1.42% decrease, which resulted from less revenue from the sale of plastic woven
revenue decrease from the sale of plastic woven bag from the effects of the recessions of economic circumstance since the beginning of the year, combine with the drought condition which affected the
Orian Menno Stofer (Independent Director) Rami Entin (External Director) Rita Avni (External Director) Business Type Global manufacturer of non-woven fabric solutions for the diapers, incontinence and
addition, prepare marketing and sale plan to expand customer base of flexible packaging and plastic woven bag. All the time, Development as mentioned above, The company has improved its performance. It is
2- and 3-Carrier Aggregation (CA) technology. During the quarter, the competition focused on acquiring/maintaining quality customers in postpaid segment through handset campaigns and pricing strategy