hit by tax barriers, causing the export of Thai rubber woods to China to be affected. 2. in addition China also implemented strict environmental regulations, which caused many factories in China to stop
Pop-up stores under the concept “After you into the woods” at Minwinter in KhaoYai and Niman Soi 3 in ChiangMai province. In addition, by 2023, the Company continuously plans to expand the Pop-up stores
ที่ 4 ปี 2565 บริษัทฯ ด ำเนินกำร ขยำยกำรออกบูธ (Pop-up store) ภำยใต้คอนเซ็ปต์ After You into the woods เพิ่มเติมทั้งหมด 2 สำขำ ได้แก่ ที่ร้ำนอำหำร Midwinter เขำใหญ่ และที่นิมมำน ซอย 3 จังหวัด เชียงใหม่
start a new project under the concept “After You into the woods” in October 2022 to January 2023 at Midwinter Khao Yai Restaurant. The store will offer special menus suitable for the atmosphere like
กำรขยำยสำขำรำ้นรปูแบบปอ๊ปอฟั สโตร์ (Pop-up Store) บริษัทฯ มีแผนที่จะด ำเนินกำรเปิดโปรเจคใหม่ภำยใต้คอนเซ็ปต์ After You into the woods ในช่วงเดือน ตุลำคม ปี 2565 ถึงเดือนมกรำคม ปี 2566 ที่ร้ำนอำหำร
constructed a new club house, the new development would help to reposition golf course to a competitive level and serve the customers’ needs. The Company targeted to generate higher income from green fee, golf
continuously constructed warehouse/factory buildings. Revenue from rent increased from THB 17 million per quarter at the time the Company made investment to THB 50 million per quarter this year. Propsect
Myanmar. This project will be constructed in late 2020 and the commercial operation date for selling electricity to Ministry of Electricity and Energ for 30 years is scheduled in 2021. The Company is under
located in Mandalay, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The first 60MWp of this project will be constructed in late 2020 and the commercial operation date for selling electricity to Ministry of
ownership ? According to TU-PF fund scheme, the fund will invest in the buildings to be constructed on the land owned by the lessor, who would lease the buildings to TU-PF after the construction is completed