SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “The deadline for listed companies to submit their annual financial statements and other reports as required by law is approaching but the COVID-19 outbreak in many counties has not been resolved. Such current situation may have a negative impact on Thai listed companies that have core business in COVID-19 affected countries, or it might interrupt international travel plans of directors to the point that listed companies are unable to hol...
, interest rate, financial index, securities index as goods or variable, or any other assets or variables as specified in the Notification of the Office; “financial institution” means any financial institution
, interest rate, financial index, securities index as goods or variable, or any other assets or variables as specified in the Notification of the Office; “financial institution” means any financial institution
oil, currencies, exchange rate, interest rate, financial index, securities index as goods or variable, or any other assets or variables as specified in the Notification of the Office; “financial
notification to extend the applicability of the provisions of this Division to any other categories of derivatives business operators.
the notification to extend the applicability of the provisions of this Division to any other categories of derivatives business operator.
Bangkok, December 16, 2011 ? The SEC declines to extend deadline for Tongkah Harbour Plc. (THL)?s special audit report submission, which is required to submit to the SEC within December 9, 2011.The
requiring the company to file with the SEC monthly progress report.SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala revealed that ?the CMSB concurred to extend the due date for undertaking out-of-court
, dealers and underwriters whose licenses are limited to investment units (LBDU operators). Under the proposed revision, IA, and LBDU operators will have to comply with the capital requirements variable to
approval of the Cabinet, excluding currencies. “variable” means any exchange rate, interest rate, financial index, securities index or any other variables as specified in the notification of the SEC with the