unused, outdated machines Baht 23 million. 1,361 1,327 1,204 1,456 1,302 1,240 1,205 1,174 9 (15) (124) (143) (52) (63) (35) (60) (200.0) (180.0) (160.0) (140.0) (120.0) (100.0) (80.0) (60.0) (40.0) (20.0
Baht 140 million, the net profit increased by Baht 71.93 million or 51.38 percent. However, if the extraordinary item from the sale of unused land of Baht 46.31 million had not been included, the net
Profit (Including Extraordinary Items) 182.59 132.05 50.54 38.27 Extraordinary Items are as follows; (1) Less Gain on sale of unused land 10.18 - 10.18 100.00 (2) Plus Provision for employee retirement
million, the net profit decreased by Baht 43.73 million or 20.63 percent. However, if the extraordinary item from the sale of unused land of Baht 46.31 million had not been included for the same period of
from the sale of unused land of Baht 46.31 million and the provision for employee retirement benefits from 300 to 400 days of Baht 18.87 million had not been included, the net profit of the Corporate
%. and change in product sales mix since we invested in the new Company, KURON Co., Ltd on 3 March 2020. And DDD capacity variance loss increased from unused capacity. Gross Profit Gross profit for the
million or an increase of 4.99 percent. However, if the extra profit from the sale of unused land of Baht 23.12 million had not been included in the net profit of previous year, the net profit would
objective and providing up-to-date information sufficient for risk analysis. The reporting requirements on those unused for supervising purpose will be eliminated while frequency of report submission will be
%) 3.Others Income 29.91 21.76 14.40 4.Income from sales unused land 132.59 5.Selling &Admin Expenses , Interest Exp. 205.96 210.06 236.38 6.Corporate Tax 59.92 35.39 45.42 7.Net Profit Before Reserve
previous year of 2.56 percent. However, if the extra profit from the sale of unused land of Baht 23.12 million had not been included in the net profit of previous year, the net profit would increase by Baht