suspended {A} from duty as an approved capital market investment consultant for a period of one year.In case of {B}, the SEC received a report from a securities company that she failed to record her two
Bangkok, December 4, 2012 - The SEC suspended {A} of Finansia Syrus Securities PLC for four months and 15 days; and also suspended {B} of Hua Seng Heng Gold Futures Co., Ltd. for three months
Bangkok, September 14, 2011 - The SEC imposed administrative sanctions on two investor contacts, by suspending {A} for three months from September 14, 2011 and reprimanding {B}, for interfering with
Bangkok, November 11, 2014 - The SEC revoked the approval of Panadda Burapawijitnon, a capital market investment consultant for ten years, and {B} (formerly named {C}), a securities investment
Bangkok, 15 March 2017 - The SEC has suspended two securities investment consultants, {A} for failing to perform duties with deliberation as a professional, and {B} for performing duties or providing
return rate and the investment term were written on the cover of the client's fund book. The SEC has therefore suspended approval for {B} as a securities investment consultant for a period of two years
Bangkok, March 21, 2014 - The SEC suspended two securities investment consultants. A six-month suspension was imposed on {A} for trading securities on behalf of clients and a three-month suspension
Bangkok, 15 March 2017 - The SEC has suspended the approval of two securities investment consultants, {A} and {B}, for failing to perform duties with responsibility and deliberation as a professional
Bangkok, March 27, 2014 - The SEC suspended {A}, a former capital market investment consultant of UOB Kay Hian Securities (Thailand) Plc, and {B}, a capital market investment consultant of Krungsri
. If these two persons were the approved investor contacts, the SEC would have revoked such approval status. {A} and {B}, however, did not renew their approved status as investor contacts; accordingly