The Ethical Standards Committee requires that state agencies formulate a code of ethics in accordance with the ethical standards specified under the Ethical Standards Act B.E. 2562 (2019). The
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and accounting professional ethics in the revision and adoption of Thai accounting standards. In addition, FAP continuously works on dissemination of knowledge on
association registered under Thai law having the purpose to regulate and supervise members for practicing profession as an appraiser to comply with rules, standards and ethics regarding appraisal profession
สนองต่อการไม่ปฏิบัติตามกฎหมายและข้อบังคับ โดยที่ International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (“IESBA”) ได้กำหนดเรื่องการตอบสนองต่อการไม่ปฏิบัติตามกฎหมายและข้อ
Project aims to enhance national transparency, boost morale, applaud governmental organizations’ exemplary role, and promote corporate value of management based on good governance, professional ethics
businesses during the suspension period.SEC reiterates that personnel in capital market businesses must perform duties or provide services with integrity and act in accordance with ethics or professional
courses on good corporate governance to promote ethics, morals and codes of professional conducts for utmost benefit of the clients. Vorapol added that ?Personnel in securities and derivatives businesses
accountability in accordance with the professional code of ethics, auditing standards, and other additional regulations prescribed by the law governing securities and exchange. Yours sincerely, Signature
Principles About Us SHARE : Detail Content SEC Working Principles Code of Governance Auditing Mechanism and Balances SEC Code of Ethics SEC Anti-Corruption Policy The SEC values Code of