ชื่อผู้ได้มา/จำหน่าย :?TUNTEX DISTINCT CORPORATION | ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้น | วันที่มีหน้าที่ : 19/11/2546
paragraph 1 of the SEA. As the accused committed the several distinct and different offences, the Court inflicted the penalty prescribed for each offence as follows: (1) For a count of failure to submit the
Court ruled against the accused for violating Section 56, Section 274 paragraph 1, and Section 300 of the SEA. As the accused committed the several distinct and different offences, the Court inflicted the
had committed the several distinct and different offences, the Court inflicted the punishment prescribed for each offence as follows: (1) for being a director who acted to obtain falsified accounts or
▪ ลกูคา้ท าสญัญาวา่จา้ง ใหบ้รษัิทยาเป็นผูผ้ลติยา บรษัิทยาจงึยังคงมชีือ่เป็น โรงงานผูผ้ลติยาตามทะเบยีนต ารับยาดงักลา่ว License is distinct or not distinct from the OEM manufacturing service? How to
those of other business operations, e.g. property/hotel management service, project management service, etc. As of 1Q18, the Company was engaged in two distinct project management services – Crossroads
engaged in two distinct project management services – a tourist facility project in Maldives (starting in 3Q16) and The ESSE Sukhumvit 36 (starting in 3Q17). In 3Q17, the Company registered revenues from
other business operations, e.g. property/hotel management service, project management service, etc. As of 4Q17, the Company was engaged in two distinct project management services – a tourist facility
capacity for meeting commitments may be troublesome CCC+ CCC CCC- Caa1 Caa2 Caa3 CCC+ CCC CCC- Highly speculative obligations CC CC CC Very low probability of timely and full payment of obligations C C C
currency from “Thai Baht” to “US Dollar” from FY2019 in order to appropriately reflect the change of the Company’s foreign currencies operation as well as in considering more distinct foreign functional