efficiency and facilitate fundraising and investment activities in order to create long term well-being for Thais.SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said: ?We have achieved the intended outcome for 2018
รมาภิบาลสากลของ OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) และ IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commission) และมีการทบทวนกรอบแนวปฏิบัติด้านธรรมาภิบาลทุกปี เพื่อให้
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance as well as the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Govern- ance of State-Owned Enterprises. In addition to being a valuable venue for networking and knowledge-sharing
The current criteria require investment analysts (IA) seeking renewal of their approval to undergo a knowledge refresher by completing training or participating in eligible activities for no less
years, Chiang Mai has had 2 approved companies proving the sale of their stock to the public: Initial Public Offering (IPO), with a total of fund-raising value for over 900 million Thai baht. This
with a total value of 15 million baht or more* has to store clients’ digital assets with foreign digital asset custodians not subject to Thai law and supervision of the Thai regulator. In addition
opportunities for professional newcomers and the securities analysis business, and support the sustainable growth of the Thai capital market as a whole.SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai emphasized SET's vital
result, the price and trading volume of PICO’s shares were not in a normal market condition, and investors in general were misled to understand that a large number of investors were interested in buying
loss. Moreover, {A} advised the client to wait for a quota of IPO shares and expect such shares to compensate for the loss incurred in the client’s derivatives trading account. {A}’s behaviors above were
development. The SEC urged TIA to consider the possibility to become independent investment advisory institute supporting Thai capital market development. The institute could be a center for investor education